Security and IT Archives - OFFIX Copiers, Printers, Document Management - Virginia, DC, Maryland Mon, 18 Nov 2024 05:05:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Security and IT Archives - OFFIX Copiers, Printers, Document Management - Virginia, DC, Maryland 32 32 How to Prevent Data Breaches at Your Business Wed, 29 Dec 2021 21:52:33 +0000 There are few crises as devastating for a business in the 21st century than a data breach or cybersecurity breach.

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There are few crises as devastating for a business in the 21st century than a data breach or cybersecurity breach. That’s why, regardless of the size of your organization business, and the industry in which you operate, it is vital to know how to prevent data breaches at your business. It is almost impossible to run a successful business in our day and age without operating some of your business through the internet. And while operating through the internet increases your possible scope and sales, it also comes with a lot of drawbacks. The most major of these drawbacks is a new realm for potential security threats that can lead to huge problems for your business. But there are ways to prevent data breaches. Here are the three most important measures to prevent a data breach at your business.

In fact, many don’t know that your multifunction device and all-in-one printer is vulnerable to attacks that include ransomware intrusion and data theft. We have discussed it on our blog here and here.

Use Strong Passwords and Encryption

The first thing that you need to do to keep your business protected from data breaches is to use strong passwords and encryption. When dealing with passwords, you don’t want them to be difficult to guess, you want them to be impossible to guess. It would be smart to use a passphrase of unrelated words or even random strings of numbers, letters, and symbols. Your passwords are the front door keys to your data, don’t leave them sitting out. Encryption is a type of cipher that is used when sending data to and from your server. The stronger your encryption, the harder it is for hackers to access your info while it is in transit and it’s most vulnerable.

Store Data Securely

Another important step to take to ensure that you are not susceptible to a data breach at your business is to store your data securely. Wherever you store your data, you need to make sure that it has the cybersecurity protections you need to keep data safe. A great option is to use the cloud. A public cloud service is the most popular choice for businesses of all sizes. The cloud is a collection of servers that are available to use for a cost which allows you to access your data over the internet, while storing it safely.

Use Firewalls

The final tip that you must follow to ensure you are keeping your business data safe is to use firewalls as a security feature for the internet that prevents unwanted access to your network, including things like malware, viruses, and hackers. A firewall is an essential feature of cybersecurity to include to make sure that you have a secure online presence.

Use Hard Drive Shredders and Destroyers

Make sure that you remain in control of hard drives and data storage devices that, in the wrong hands, can mean putting your precious data in the wrong hands. Purchasing a hard drive shredder or hard drive destroyer means that you know your data storage device will not be able to be used for nefarious reasons.

Cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of any business in 2021. Without proper cybersecurity, your business is just asking for trouble. Make sure that you are using these three important features to prevent data breaches and protect your business and your customers.

Check out this article on how to reduce accidents in the workplace!

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How to Improve Security Around Your Office Thu, 02 Sep 2021 14:07:48 +0000 No one can fully understand how important security is for your office until something goes wrong. But you can plan

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No one can fully understand how important security is for your office until something goes wrong. But you can plan ahead as if you did already know what the consequences could be. Office security is important to you being able to keep your business afloat and avoid problems that could put you and your company into a bad situation. Here are a few things you can do to keep your office as secure as possible. 

Restrict Access 

One way that security breaches tend to happen is when anyone can have easy access to your facilities. Issuing key cards and restricting access to only your employees can help you to cut down on this kind of problem. You can restrict access to your entire office or have certain public areas while other areas are restricted to employees only. It’s important to have both signage and locks so it is difficult for a non-employee to get into those restricted areas by mistake or intentionally. 

Install Cameras 

When people know they are being observed they are much less likely to breach your security. So, installing cameras can help you to make your business much more secure from outside forces. You can’t be on alert at all times so it is helpful to have tools that can help you out. Security cameras monitor your business 24/7 and alert you when an issue comes up. Installing cameras can also help your employees to feel safer and give you help when something happens to figure out what went wrong. 

Get More Secure Online 

While security used to be a purely physical thing it is now more important than ever to make sure that you have the security you need for your office online. A big part of any company is collecting and preserving data and you want to make sure that that data is protected. Your cyber security is at least as important to the security of your business in the physical office. When you are well protected online it keeps you, your employees, and your customers safe. 

Keeping your business secure is essential to making sure that your interests are protected from outside sources. It’s all about making sure that you are using the security measures you have at your disposal to the best of your abilities. When you are able to do that it will do wonders for the future of your business.

Read this next: Factors That Drain Your Company Financially

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VOIP vs. Landline For Business — Which one is Better? Wed, 24 Mar 2021 14:07:15 +0000 While the pandemic’s effects are still in full swing, the need for the right technology in business is stronger than

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While the pandemic’s effects are still in full swing, the need for the right technology in business is stronger than ever. And that includes deciding who wins the battle of VOIP vs. Landline. Indeed, market research company Forrester’s predictions for businesses in 2021 highlight the need for technology investments. For example, digital engagement will be the “number one driver of customer value” this year. Digital operations platforms will also continue replacing legacy enterprise resource software as the months go by.

One technological innovation that will help your business grow is a dedicated phone system. From cheaper calls to unified communication, this technology offers many benefits. Phone systems come in two kinds: Voice Over IP (or VOIP, for short) and landline. Both offer unique benefits that make the better option difficult to determine… at least at first.

Whether you’re planning to get a new phone system or are considering switching kinds, here’s an overview of a comparison of VOIP vs. Landline, and our advice on which kind will benefit your business more.

Pros of Telephone Landlines


Landlines are very straightforward, so even the most non-tech-savvy people know how to operate them. No additional training is necessary during its integration.


Phone lines will remain operational no matter the circumstance. For example, when bad weather occurs, landline phones will continue to be operational. Plus, when phone lines do get cut off, they’re fixed faster than internet networks. After all, a number of key sectors rely on them, like the aerospace industry and the government.

The quality will also remain consistent no matter where your business is settled, especially compared to smartphones. “My landline gives me better reception in my high-rise apartment in New York City,” admitted Samuella Becker, the owner of a PR and marketing business. Calls will also never be disconnected.

Cons of Telephone Landlines

Higher costs

When it comes to VOIP vs. Landline in the context of cost, VOIP is the clear winner: From its installation to its per-call charges, landlines can be expensive to own. Additionally, when you ask for features like caller IDs and voicemail, those need to be manually integrated into the system and transmitted over the cables. This will further rack up costs.


Because landlines operate via local cables, they can’t make international calls. If your business deals with a lot of foreign clients and customers, you’re going to be relying on your mobile phone more.

The Pros of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP)

Low cost

Since VOIP uses the internet instead of copper wires, this system is a lot cheaper. After all, you’d only be paying for internet access (which you already do) instead of call minutes or extra phone service. The lack of wires also makes its installation inexpensive. In fact, with a manual and some remote help, you can very likely do it yourself.


Streamlined operations

Check-ins are a big part of operation management in any company, which VOIP can help streamline. As one of the most crucial careers in business, operations managers oversee a lot of departments, from logistics to accounting. They keep track of employees at a day-to-day level, so they’re going to be calling them often. Fortunately, VOIP doesn’t rely on phone lines, making it easy to call devices in any location, and with any combination of people in the call. This can help operations managers and other related professions do their jobs much faster.

Better features

Aside from calls, VOIP phones can host a number of features, too, like video calls, account management, and more. It’ll even allow more than one VOIP phone to connect at a time, which can be useful for audio conferences.

The Cons of VOIP

Possible inconsistent sound quality

Since VOIP is heavily dependent on your internet connection, your sound quality is only as good as the plan you have. Slow internet speeds can cause the sound to be choppy — it may even disconnect the call altogether. If you’re choosing VOIP as your phone system, you need to invest in a fast plan (at least 30Mbps).

Make sure you have Enhanced 911 enabled

By default, VOIP phones are not priority lines in local departments like hospitals and police stations. This is because VOIP systems are not tied to a geographic location. Thankfully, VOIP providers give customers the option to have their systems “Enhanced 911 enabled.” This will give your line a physical address.

So, which one should you have?

Given all that, VOIP is a clear winner. Not only is it cheaper and equipped with more features, but a lot of its downsides can be remedied with another solution, like faster internet and upgraded functions.

Regardless of your business’s size, Offix can help you upgrade your phone system to VOIP. We even offer custom greetings and third-party integrations like Salesforce. Contact us for a free demo today.

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Prepared by Alicia Brady

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VOIP vs. Landline: 6 Stats That Prove Why VoIP is Better Fri, 11 Dec 2020 21:54:39 +0000 It’s a battle we are often asked about: Voice Over IP versus landline phone… which one is better? It is

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It’s a battle we are often asked about: Voice Over IP versus landline phone… which one is better?

It is not a secret that Voice Over IP (or VOIP) is a cloud-based telephony solution that’s here to stay. Each year, more and more businesses and private consumers are signing on to this technology and saying good-bye to landlines for ever. So, there must be something to it.

The reality is that VoIP is more flexible, user friendly, efficient, and affordable than traditional phones. Overall, VoIP for business is better vs. landline phones. But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Here are 6 statistics about VOIP that might provide the answer to the question “Is VoIP better than landline phones for my business?

  1. 82% of businesses reported cost savings with VOIP

This is the number one reason why the choice of VoIP vs. landline phones is clear: VoIP saves your business money.

Over two-thirds of all businesses polled in a Microsoft survey reported that, when moving from traditional landlines to VOIP phones, they realized savings. The cost reduction came from direct savings versus the cost of landline phones, including set up (there is no wiring work, when you use VOIP phones), maintenance, and monthly service fees, but also through added efficiencies, because cloud-based telephony provides the flexibility that benefits remote and mobile workers (COVID work from home, anyone?) and improves collaboration.

  1. Remote employees exceed a 40-hour work week 43% more than on-site employees

Another key reason why the battle of VoIP vs. landline phones is won by Voice Over IP is its ability to move with your employees, without changing a single cable or line.

While many businesses were faced with the uncertainties of work from home (WFH), and feared that productivity would suffer, it turns out that most remote employees actually work longer hours when operating remotely. An Owl Labs survey found that to be true 43% of the times; this is probably due to the difficulty employees have in separating work and non-work activities, when most of the workday is spent at home. While the longer hours can actually produce burnout and should, for this very reason, be capped, this statistic shows that remote work should not be a productivity concern, especially when VoIP technology allows businesses to continue receiving calls even if their workers are not physically in the office.

  1. 83% of companies have lost business or had to terminate an employee due to communication issues

The right communication is at the heart of good business. Just the same, bad communication can cost businesses a lot of money, and can cost employees their job. It is vital to a company’s success that communication processes be clear and flexible. 2020 has showed how companies that cannot quickly adapt their communication processes and technology are more prone to losing business and revenues. But communication does not have to be fragmented, especially if a business is equipped with the flexibility of VoIP telephony (source: Nextiva).

  1. Voice Over IP (VoIP) saves businesses 32 call minutes, daily

Time is money. We all know that. Your telephone system should be able to ensure full availability all the time, but landlines are not designed to adapt quickly to loads or reduce manual, repetitive tasks through custom routines. When your small business switch to VoIP, you are able to customize your service and your tasks to fit your needs.

A VoIP cost study found that businesses with at least 30 phones can save a total of $1200 or more a month, when they switch to VoIP for business from landline telephones. Large businesses realized even bigger savings, with some saving millions of dollars a year.

  1. Call centers can reduce Average Handle Time by 40% with VoIP reporting

Companies that rely on their call center to handle business and generate revenues watch a specific metric called Average Handle Time (AHT, for short). AHT measures the amount of time the average call center representative requires to complete a customer service call.

As McKinsey reports, advanced analytics can help call centers improve their performance.

The thorough and efficient reporting capabilities that VoIP offers mean that call centers, dispatch centers and any business that relies on large call volumes have all of the metrics needed at their fingertip; this ensures analysis and quick action to improve performance.

  1. VoIP Reduces Call Cost for Domestic and International Calls

According to a study by TechCo, small businesses that switched to VoIP save 40% on local calls and 90% on international calls. These savings do not account for other cost reduction factors that a small business can realize through remote work, integration with software like Salesforce, and lower maintenance costs.

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7 Essential Steps to Printer Security Wed, 11 Mar 2020 14:24:33 +0000 From requiring employees to enter usernames and passwords on computers with the latest antivirus software to encrypting email to prohibiting

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From requiring employees to enter usernames and passwords on computers with the latest antivirus software to encrypting email to prohibiting the use of personal mobile devices on the network, you’ve done what you can to boost your business’s security. You’re confident you’ve secured the most vulnerable endpoints of your network to reduce the risk that your company will experience a painful and costly data breach.

If you haven’t considered securing your printers or multifunctional devices (MFDs), you may be a part of the 43% of companies at risk for a security breach, according to a survey by Spiceworks. Leaving vulnerabilities such as these in your network can be dangerous, as a 2017 study by Quocirca found.

In that study, more than two-thirds (68%) of companies between 1,000 and 3,000 employees reported some form of data loss through their printers, and 51% of companies with 3,000 employees or more had suffered a printer-related data loss. Not including your printer or MFD fleet in your network security plans puts your company at a higher risk of hacking and business data breaches than you think.

Making sure that your your printer and MFD endpoints are secure doesn’t have to be difficult. No matter the size of your company, here are seven actions you can take to secure your printer:

1. Regularly check for and implement firmware updates

Keeping your print devices up to date ensures the availability of the latest security settings and features. Any firmware updates should be digitally signed by the manufacturer to guarantee authenticity.

2. Control access to devices and administration settings

Passwords, account names, and other settings on any device should only be changed by a network administrator. Make it an administrator’s responsibility to change all default passwords and account names and configure device and security settings, with the capability of doing so remotely.

3. Require users to enter PIN, ID and password, or use a card login to retrieve print jobs

In Quocirca’s 2017 study, leaks caused by unclaimed print jobs picked up from printer/MFD exit trays accounted for almost half of the data losses reported. Allowing a device to print without a user in front of it is one of the easiest and most common ways to lose data. “Follow me” printing from a print management system provides both security and convenience as users are able to obtain their print job from any device on the network that they log into.


NEED INCREASED DEVICE SECURITY? Offix Can Lock Down Your Equipment. Click for More


4. Restrict scan users and destinations; encrypt PDFs

The most used “multifunction” on today’s MFDs is scanning, and unrestricted scanning can mean unwitting or malicious guests and insiders can scan documents into the wrong hands. Protect those documents by creating encrypted PDFS, setting permissions and passwords and even adding digital signatures when scanned at the MFD.

5. Encrypt data between computer and print device and on the hard disk drive (HDD)

Preventing the interception of vital data through encrypting network traffic, including print jobs going over the network,  just makes sense. Nearly all office MFDs have a hard disk drive (HDD) that spools and stores data to print or send using features such as scan and send or fax. Encrypted data on HDDs (using the FIPS 140-2 security standard) is difficult or impossible for hackers to read; erasing the data also makes sure that it is overwritten, and therefore, unreadable. When disposing of any printer or MFD, the HDD erasure should be verified, or the HDD should be removed and destroyed separately.

6. Use features that protect the printer from malware and tampering at startup and during operation

Features for print devices, such as McAfee Embedded Control, can verify that the boot code, firmware, operating system, and any application running on the device has not been tampered with. With a feature like this active, the device will not be allowed to start up if tampering is found. Whitelisting and runtime intrusion detection complement this security feature and should be utilized as well.

Manufacturers like Canon have whitepapers and Security Hardening Guides that go into detail of the security features, settings, and steps that can be used to secure your print devices. At Offix, we can help harden your printer and MFD endpoints a better-protected part of your network, including the best products, settings, and strategies. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation about managing your device fleet and getting the best in device security!

7. Use a print platform that integrates with a SIEM system

If you use a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, work with a printer or MFD provider that has a platform that integrates with it. This system can provide visibility to any changes in settings, failed authentication attempts, and new applications being added, granting the insight you need to react and defend your company’s data and reputation.

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Should You Outsource Your IT Services in 2021? Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:40:46 +0000 As a small business grows and opportunities become larger, so do pain points, bottlenecks and expenses. This requires a growing

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As a small business grows and opportunities become larger, so do pain points, bottlenecks and expenses. This requires a growing company to evaluate whether it makes more sense to increase headcount or outsource their needs. In fact, according to a study by PwC, 68% of US consumer products companies outsource part of their workforce. In most cases, one of the most complex divisions is IT: so, should you outsource your IT services or keep them in-house?

[You may also be interested in: What Is Ransomware? And Should You Pay?]

While departments like sales and administration can scale more easily, the growth of personnel, coupled with the ever-increasing expansion of technology, results in an increased need for IT support.

Making the jump from “calling Joe, who knows a lot about computers” to having your own IT staff does not need to be immediate or scary, but it does require some thought about the pros and cons of outsourcing your IT processes vs. having in-house service.

The questions are multiple: should you train someone internally, to maintain your network and technology? Should you have multiple vendors available to set up and maintain your servers? Should outsource some of your IT needs and handle the rest in-house? Or should you have your staff handle network setup and maintenance?

Why you should outsource your IT department

Here are a few things to consider in favor of answering “yes” to the question “Should you outsource your IT service?”:

  1. Outsourcing your IT management allows you to decide whether your business is best served by an on-demand contract, with expenses commensurate with your needs and problems, or if you want to invest in a service that allows you to call whenever you want, no matter what the problem.
  2. Outsourcing allows you to focus your capital investment on other strategic initiatives: increase market penetration, expand your product or service line, or any other long-term activity that adds to your top-line revenues.
  3. You are not going to be able to train one employee to take care of all your IT needs: IT processes go beyond setting up a computer and wi-fi. When you’re networking several devices, and if you have additional technology like networking printers, field sales representatives using CRM software, etc., compatibility issues arise often. You want to make sure you have a specialist at hand, who understands your network holistically and has training and knowledge to ensure that fixing one issue does not cause cascading problems.
  4. Vendors that specialize in technology are usually better at identifying emerging trends and comparing them against your current and projected needs; keeping you ‘ahead of the curve’ might save you money in the future, make you more competitive and add to your brand value.
  5. Larger IT Networking companies have direct access to fast-track product and service support from vendors: you usually won’t have to wait as long, when a part is out of stock or the server manufacturer needs to be involved in the setup or maintenance of your system.

Ready to Outsource Your Printer Fleet Management? LEARN MORE

Why you should keep your IT department in-house

  1. If your company is large enough, having full-time employees at your disposal might actually save you money, especially if your network is so complex that you’d need to involve several companies to manage it.
  2. If response time is essential to you, and waiting three hours (or more, depending on the vendor you choose for outsourcing) is not an option, having an in-house IT department is the way to go. Just remember that, to ensure uptime 24 hours a day, you’ll probably still need to contract with an outsourced service.
  3. In-house IT departments understand your strategic initiatives, since your IT manager is usually part of management meetings, and can grasp nuances of a project that an outsourced IT service might not get quite as clearly.
  4. If you have a complex business architecture, ongoing collaboration beyond network setup and maintenance is an important ingredient to your growth. Process knowledge, the ability to socialize ideas in an organic format, and pass-through ideation are definitely a byproduct of an in-house IT staff.

So… which one is right for me? Should I outsource my IT services or bring them in-house?

To answer this question, ask yourself what your key pain points are: are you going at a rate faster than you can keep up with? A scalable solution through outsourced IT services is probably your best bet. Are you a law office or small business that does not know anything about IT infrastructure? Let an outside service guide you through decision processes that can save you a lot of time and headaches. Do you have very complex processes that require in-depth knowledge, and are you starting to rely on your outsourced IT services on an ongoing basis? It might be time to start to bring that knowledge in-house. Does your business rely heavily on customized technology? In-house IT services might be the right choice for you.

Make sure you understand the cost of each decision, both from a financial and strategic perspective. Try to forecast where you will be in the next 24 to 36 months, when it comes to IT services bandwidth and technological growth, so you can predict when it might be time to progressively blend in-house IT services to your business. Most importantly, as you search for your solution provider, interview them: ask for a consultation and sit down with them as if they were interviewing for a job. Do they have the ability to bring a consultative approach? Will they be proactive in suggesting what YOUR business needs, in a way that will allow you to be more competitive and more efficient, and let you focus on running your company? Do they understand your bottlenecks and opportunities?

At the end, you might decide that a hybrid approach is what makes most sense, by having a staff that handles day-to-day activities, and outsourced IT experts that can handle larger projects by coordinating your in-house staff and providing critical guidance and outlook.

At the end of the day, network solutions and technology will continue to be ‘silent rockets’, working in the background to fuel a lot of your growth. How they operate within your business should be your choice.

Ready to Outsource Your Printer Fleet Management? LEARN MORE

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A Threat to HIPAA Security You May Have Overlooked Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:10:54 +0000 HIPAA and Your Printer Fleet: Did you know that copiers and print machines contain hard drives that capture and store protected

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HIPAA and Your Printer Fleet: Did you know that copiers and print machines contain hard drives that capture and store protected health information? That remnant data can leave your healthcare facility vulnerable to security threats from both inside and outside your organization.

Overlooking copiers, printers, and other imaging devices when implementing HIPAA privacy and security measures can be a costly mistake.

Healthcare facilities can eliminate this risk by discussing their concerns with their Managed Print Services (MPS) solutions provider and to develop clear solutions to protect patient information.

When managing their printer and copier fleet, hospital administrators should keep in mind that HDDs and software within their equipment can (and probably does) store information that needs to be part of data hygiene procedures. Knowing what information is stored in each machine, what routine cleanup is necessary and what potential vulnerabilities need to be addressed will save time and costly potential problems in the future.

Newer-generation printers and copiers offer new levels of security, including cyclical cleanup of data stored and data encryption software that ensures greater layers of security. Make sure your printers and copiers are updated with these features, if data security is a concern.

More and more hospitals and healthcare facilities are switching to Managed Print Services to help keep administrative costs low, so they can focus on what matters: taking better care of their patients.

As a Managed Print Services provider, for example, Offix routinely takes the necessary steps to secure a client’s imaging devices and ensure that any network-connected devices include the proper security features to prevent security breaches.

Contact us today to find out how Offix can help you streamline and protect your data management through HIPAA-compliant solutions.

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Counterfeit Copier Toner: It’s a Real Thing Tue, 04 Jun 2019 15:34:59 +0000 One of the most common scams to target business owners happens at the hand of what we call “Toner Pirates”.

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One of the most common scams to target business owners happens at the hand of what we call “Toner Pirates”. These scammers represent companies that call businesses in an attempt to sell printer toner or ink cartridges over the phone using high pressure tactics.

Generally, Toner Pirates claim to be calling on behalf of your supplier, mentioning the ability to provide better prices that you must take advantage before the end of the day. It is possible they may even know the models of equipment your company uses. The problem is that Toner Pirates are selling high-priced and/or low-quality products.

How to Identify Toner Pirates

  1. Pressure selling: they will stress the fact that you have to take advantage of the special prices today (they know they won’t be able to call too many times)
  2. No information: while they will make you think they’ve done business with you before, they won’t provide an actual address
  3. Out of State: if they give you an address, they are usually located out of state
  4. Fake name: they may tell you they are affiliated with a company that currently supplies to you, but they do not have any more information
  5. No pricing, no details: they will often refuse to send prices in writing, provide an actual dollar amount in their quote, or provide references
  6. Free gift: to increase decision pressure, they will often offer a free gift with your order, as long as it is placed before the end of the day
  7. Model and serial unknown: sometimes the caller will ask for your copier or printer model and serial number, which your current supplier already has

Here’s the best way to deal with those pesky Toner Pirates:

  1. First of all, know who your current supplier is and mention them to the caller: typically they will hang up
  2. If they continue, simply let them know you will call your supplier back to confirm the offer
  3. Ask the caller to identify their company name, location, and a call back number, especially if you are not sure who your supplier is
  4. Train all of your employees to avoid buying supplies from unknown suppliers or identify one employee as the person in charge of office supply orders
  5. If you receive supplies you didn’t order from a Toner Pirate’s unsolicited call, you have no obligation to contact them or return it
  6. The key is to realize that the high-pressure sales tactics indicate a targeted scam. Keep in mind, Toner Pirates target an area for a certain period of time
  7. If you think you were the victim of a scam and sustained damage, you may contact your State Attorney General’s Office

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What Is Ransomware? And Should You Pay? Tue, 04 Jun 2019 15:04:24 +0000 You may have heard in recent news about “Ransomware” – a plague that’s been literally holding businesses hostage over the

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You may have heard in recent news about “Ransomware” – a plague that’s been literally holding businesses hostage over the past few years. Ransomware is a form of malware: harmful software that encrypts your files or system, preventing your ability to access them. Once these files are infected, attackers demand money—a ransom, if you will—in exchange for restoring access to your data. These crimes are more frequent than you might think; according to cybersecurity provider Symantec, there were more than 1,200 ransomware detections each day in 2017, trending 20% up in 2018 for enterprises.

Because the cost of system downtime is inflated, many organizations believe it’s much cheaper to just pay the ransom and get back to work.  However, the average total cost of a ransomware attack is $1.85 million, doubling what it costed in the past 12 months. According to law enforcement agencies and security professionals, when you’ve fallen victim to ransomware the last thing you should do is pay the ransom.

Why shouldn’t you pay hackers the ransom?

There are four good explanations why the experts believe you should never pay a ransom:

  • Paying the ransom is not always the end of your troubles. While a hacker may provide you with access to your files, they’ll likely leave malware behind, making it probable for them to re-infect your system or steal information.
  • Some hackers may not have the ability to decipher your files even if they wanted to because their malware is poorly coded, making decryption impossible.
  • There’s no assurance you will be given access to your files if you pay the ransom. According to the CyberEdge Group’s 2018 Cyberthreat Defense Report, only 19 percent of ransomware victims who paid the ransom actually got their data back. Those aren’t great odds. Consequently, by paying a ransom you’ll run the risk of losing both your files and your money.
  • Finally, hackers will use the money extorted from you to finance their ongoing criminal activity, making it possible for them to target other innocent people and organizations.

When you take all of this into consideration, it’s easy to see why experts try to persuade against organizations from giving in to a hacker’s demands and paying a ransom. This decision is much easier if you’re prepared for a ransomware attack by backing up your data, so the hacker doesn’t have the upper hand. Contact us today to learn more about how to mitigate the threat of ransomware and other security risks for your organization.

The post What Is Ransomware? And Should You Pay? appeared first on OFFIX Copiers, Printers, Document Management - Virginia, DC, Maryland.

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